Daily subscription fee: 500 soums.

The subscription fee is charged upon successful registration in the application. The subscription fee includes one opportunity to receive a bonus package. Subscribers can also try their luck and take advantage of additional chances. Cost of second chance: 700 soums, third chance: 1000 soums.

In addition, subscribers are given the opportunity to double their chances and purchase three premium chances, with which the subscriber can get more packages of larger sizes. The cost of a premium chance is 2000, 3000 and 4000 soums, respectively.

For the convenience of subscribers, telegram bot and USSD menu *718# have been launched, with with which you can also try your luck and get bonuses.

Disabling a subscription from the service:  *718*9#

Checking the balance of bonuses provided for the “Oltin Baliq” service: *719#

Download the application:

List of bonus packages:
Service nameExpiration
1Internet package 1007 days
2Internet package 1257 days
3Internet package 1507 days
4Internet package 1757 days
5Internet package 2007 days
6Internet package 2257 days
7Internet package 2507 days
8Internet package 2757 days
9Internet package 3007 days
10Internet package 3257 days
11Internet package 3507 days
12Internet package 3757 days
13Internet package 4007 days
14Internet package 4257 days
15Internet package 4507 days
16Internet package 4757 days
17Internet package 5007 days
18Internet package 5257 days
19Internet package 5507 days
20Internet package 5757 days
21Internet package 6007 days
22Internet package 6257 days
23Internet package 6507 days
24Internet package 6757 days
25Internet package 7007 days
26Internet package 7257 days
27Internet package 7507 days
28Internet package 7757 days
29Internet package 8007 days
30Internet package 8257 days
31Internet package 8507 days
32Internet package 8757 days
33Internet package 9007 days
34Internet package 9257 days
35Internet package 9507 days
36Internet package 9757 days
37Internet package 10007 days
38Internet package 11007 days
39Internet package 12007 days
40Internet package 13007 days
41Internet package 14007 days
42Internet package 15007 days
43Internet package 20007 days
44Internet package 30007 days
45Internet package 50007 days
46Voice pack 307 days
47Voice pack 607 days
48Voice pack 907 days
49Voice pack 1207 days
50Voice pack 1507 days
51Voice package 1807 days
52Voice package 1807 days
53Voice package 2007 days
54Voice pack 2507 days
55Voice package 3007 days
56Voice package 3507 days
57Voice package 4007 days
58Voice package 4507 days
59Voice package 5007 days
60Voice package 5507 days
61Voice package 6007 days
62Voice package 6507 days
63Voice package 7007 days
64Voice package 7507 days
65Voice package 8007 days
66Voice package 8507 days
67Voice package 9007 days
68Voice package 9507 days
69Voice pack 10007 days
70Voice package 15007 days
71Voice package 20007 days
72SMS package 307 days
73SMS package 1007 days
74SMS package 1307 days
75SMS package 2007 days
76SMS package 3007 days
77SMS package 4507 days
78SMS package 4007 days
79SMS package 5007 days
80SMS package 7007 days


  1. To the subscriber to receive inside the gamecurrency FITcoin, you must perform actions according to table No. 1.

  2. Upon completion of one or more actions, the subscriber is awarded a reward in the form of FITcoins, which the subscriber can spend only on additional opportunities presented on the online storefront - the FIT Market store.

  3. Each action of the subscriber is rewarded according to its nominal value shown in table No. 2.

  4. The subscriber can refuse to perform actions without receiving a reward.

  5. FITcoins accumulated by the subscriber are stored in the subscriber’s Personal Account, without the possibility of converting them into other resources except within the framework of the online storefront - the FIT Market store. FITcoins are not issued to the Subscriber in cash equivalent and cannot be transferred to other subscribers.

  6. The subscriber agrees to the terms of the offer when performing one of the actions related to the accumulation of FITcoin.

  7. Table No. 1


Action type

Accrual frequency

Number of FITcoins

Chances per day

1Successful write-off of AP

every day



2Daily use - first chance

every day



3Daily use - second chance

every day



4Daily use - third chance

every day



5Premium use - first chance

every day



6Premium use - second chance

every day



7Premium use - third chance

every day



8If unsuccessful write-off is 5 days

once every 5 days



9Referral system*

For each successful registration and use of the service



10Referral system**

For each successful use of the service



11Referral system

For each successful use of the service



12Gift bonus coin at Level -1

random Level-1



13Gift bonus coin at Level -2

random Level-2



14Gift bonus coin at Level -3

random Level-3



15Exchange points in games for coins

Allowed upon accumulation of 10,000 points (once a month for each game)



  • *For each new invited subscriber who has completed service activation.

  • ** For each successful acquisition of additional chances by an invited subscriber.

  • On the platform of the Oltin baliq mobile application, there is an online storefront with unique opportunities and additional prizes for subscribers.

Table No. 2.

Subscribers are rewarded according to the conditions in the table below:


  1. When achieving enough to purchase one or more additional valuable prizes, equal to the number of FITcoins, the subscriber can purchase one (or several) additional valuable prizes from those presented in the table below:

Online showcase – FIT Market store


Prize type

Quantity for 1 calendar month

Number of FITcoins

1Dayli Megabayt – 12 hours*



2Replenishment of balance 10 000 sum



3Replenishment of balance 5 000 sum



*When a prize is activated, the subscriber has the opportunity to receive only MB within any chance.

  • Bonus service packages are assigned in random order.
  • Only one service is available for appointment on one day.
  • Limits within the services are assigned with the validity period indicated in the table above.
  • Minutes within voice packages are valid for calls within Uzbekistan.
SMS and USSD commands Mobile assistent
Calls to other countries